
  • I found out about Chiropractic from my parents who looked it up on the internet. I initially came in because I would wet the bed on a regular basis and I had temper tantrums. Since starting Chiropractic and being under care for about a year, I have not been wetting the bed and have had less temper tantrums. I would definitely recommend Chiropractic to others.

    Show More - L.M.
  • I learned about Chiropractic from the Lampeter Fair. I came in with back pain and shoulder pain. Since starting care, I have not noticed pain anywhere. I have been under care for about three to four months. I recommend Chiropractic to everyone.

    - S.P.
  • I heard about Chiropractic from the Lampeter Fair. I came here with headaches/neck pain, Carpal Tunnel, sleeping problems, and lack of energy. Since starting care I have noticed fewer headaches, less frequent Carpal Tunnel pain, more energy, and I sleep much better. My children are also all under care. I have noticed they are a lot calmer after they get adjusted. I have been under care for seven months. I would definitely recommend Chiropractic to others.

    Show More - M.P.
  • I have been under care previously at another Chiropractor before starting here, and I’ve been here for three months. I have had back pain and spasms for a while. Since starting care here, I have noticed less pain and no more spasms. Yes, I would recommend Chiropractic to others.

    - P.T.
  • My daughter was and still is a patient; therefore it was so easy to go to the same Chiropractor. I am happy I did because Dr. Tai is so great! I had pain in my right hip and leg (Through the years, I have had Chiropractic help for my back problems). My pain is gone since starting care here, and I can now do my walking with ease. I started here about seven months ago. Dr. Tai is keeping me pain free. If I over-do it I can depend on Dr. Tai to fix me up. Would I recommend Chiropractic to others?:

    Show More - D.H.
  • I have known about Chiropractic for many years now. I was in quite a few car accidents, and always went to the Chiropractor. I came to Dr. Tai because I had pain all over my neck and back. Since starting care, I have been able to cut down on my pain meds. I have been under care for about 8 months. I always recommend Chiropractic to others.

    Show More - C.C.
  • I can’t believe the difference it has made getting my spine aligned. I feel great and have no problems since starting here. Thank you, Dr. Tai for the adjustments!

    - J.H.
  • I drove by the office one day and decided to stop in. I had neck and back pain for a while. Since starting Chiropractic, I have had better comfort and I am feeling much better. I have been under care for about 8 months. Yes, I recommend Chiropractic to others!

    - R.G.
  • I heard about Chiropractic through my sister-in-law, and then my husband started care here. I began care due to my chronic headaches. Since starting care, I have noticed a reduction of headaches, which I always thought were due to weather changes. I began care in mid January of 2012. I absolutely would recommend Chiropractic to others. I have already mentioned it to many of my friends.

    Show More - J.P.
  • From my point of view, I no longer experience sharp pain in my right knee when getting into bed. I no longer experience stiffness and discomfort in my back, and legs when I wake in the morning. I have become more aware of my body, and balance so that I can care for myself more effectively.

    - L.B.
  • Thanks to the sign out front, I have been under Dr. Tai’s care for about 1 ½ years. I have noticed less back pain and more flexibility since beginning care. I would recommend Chiropractic to others.

    - K.F.
  • I heard about Chiropractic mostly from my family and seeing results in others under Chiropractic care. Primarily, I have very bad headaches/migraines, poor posture, and neck pain. Since coming here my headaches have improved drastically, mostly no neck pain and I’ve been sleeping better. I’ve been under care 1 ½ months at this office. I would absolutely recommend Chiropractic to others and have done so already.

    Show More - D.S.
  • (From one of our sweet Chiropractic Children.) It was great and a fun experience. It made me feel better. My spine felt straight and healthy. I wish my friends and Mrs. W. would come here. A friendly doctor named Dr. Tai helps me. I like Chiropractic.

    - E.L.



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