
  • Dr. Tai
    Dr. Tai A. Scelfo
    Doctor of Chiropractic

    Dr. Tai was born and raised in Michigan, in a chiropractic family. Having a mom as a Chiropractor, she had the opportunity to grow up living a Chiropractic lifestyle and spend time in a family chiropractic practice.

    Tai received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life University in Marietta, GA. She intensely studied for more than 4 years at Life University, and underwent a 6-month internship at one of the busiest chiropractic practices in south-eastern Florida. After graduation, she moved back home to metro-Detroit to join with her mother in practice. In March 2011, the opportunity presented itself to come to Lancaster and practice.

    Tai enjoys traveling, spending time with her family, hiking and spending time outdoors, reading, good music, and trying new restaurants. 

    Tai is board certified with the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.



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